The truth about plastic bags
The Truth About Plastic Bags

How Plastic is Recycled

Step 1: First the plastic is collected by the council from recycling bins and it is then taken to a plastic recycling deposit.
Step 2: Then once it is taken to the plastic recycling deposit, it is organised into pure streams depending on what code of plastic it is.
Step 3: Then each pure stream is shredded into flakes one at a time.
Step 4: Then the plastic flakes are washed by caustic soda to remove any labels, oil or food.
Step 5: Then the flakes are heated in an oven like machine until they melt.
Step 6: Finally the plastic is moulded and made into new plastics or new products.
So as you can see that is quite a big checklist which would probably take a lot of time and a lot of resources and a lot of people and a lot of energy a lot of money (you get the picture). What I don't understand is why people are saying that recycling is going to save the world - well it's not, it's actually still polluting earth and our environment. And still wasting our resources, time, land, money etc. PLEASE BAN PLASTIC BAGS!!!! 
1st Picture = (Step 1) Recycling trucks   2nd Picture = Recycle plastic bags sign   3rd Picture = (Step 3) Plastic flakes   4th Picture = (Step 4) Caustic soda
5th Picture = (Step 5) Oven like machine to melt plastic   6th Picture = Littered plastic bags in heap   7th Picture = (Step 6) New plastic after recycled
8th Picture = The recycling proccess/cycle
The truth about plastic bags